
Here Are Five Skills In Tech That You Can Learn Without Coding

Here are five 5⃣ tech skills you can acquire as a young person without learning how to code, i will list them just below this;

  1. Digital Design: this is basically graphic design, it involves the use of adobe Photoshop, corel draw, Canva App, figma, etc, these skill will help you make money online and even save up some money if you already have other tech skills you are working with.
  2. UI/UX Design: the full meaning is User Interface/User Experience, this is an important skill because you are focusing on building intuitive user experiences across the internet and this could earn you alot of money without you learning a single programming language.
  3. Data Analysis: This is simple an straightforward it involves  understanding how to interpret and extrapolate data in a very in a very useful manner, most companies needs data analysis to determine there target market and end users, and how to go about their sales and services they offer, so if you invest in learning data analysis, trust me you will earn yourself a good fortune.
  4. Digital Marketing: This is also a simple skill you can learn even on YouTube, it involves social media management, search engine optimization (SEO) and things around understanding search engine marketing and user analytics and how to actually promotes brands online is going to make you alot of money as while and also you don’t have to learn coding for this.
  5. cyber Security And Awareness: Here you just need the basics of cyber security because when you go indebt into cyber security coding migt be required. There are people who actually study cyber security so as to help companies enforce the importance of strong security practice to protect customers data.

Now understand all these five skills do not require any coding skills but there is going to be instances where they will overlap with basic coding knowledge, so having a basic knowledgeof HTML, CSS and JAVA could  help improve your skills such as for UI/UX design, cyber security etc.

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